Who am I ?
All my life I have felt different. Different in a way hard to describe. I believed in a world that goes beyond what the eye can see.
I felt any kind of energies around me, sometimes unable to name or put in words.
Happy to meet and guide you in between cosmos and earth, you beautiful soul.
There came a time in my life, when I gave up living in the system and structures I had been raised and moved in for so long. I quit my job and went to travel. As soon as I opened up to the conciousness that everything is possible, the right people came into my life, wonderful opportunities where given to me and my path of healing began to speed up.
Since 2015 I have been going deep inside to make all of my sadness, pain, anger and fears visible. What I have found was sometimes as scary as the monsters in all these Hollywood movies. But what came up with it became my greatest treasures.
I have been doing several workshops and trainings, bringing me closer and closer to who I truly am. I went through the darkness to find a beautiful bright light within.
To better understand my healing process and to be able to support you on your unique path, I did a channeling course in 2016 and a healer education in 2018. Since then I have been initiated through the spiritual world as well as many other workshops and activations.
I support not only friends but also everyone who feels the call to reach out to me on their way to remember who you truly are.

That's me
Nice to meet you

What I offer
I am a channel for divine information. It means I am a vessel to energies working through me to guide you in every area of your life.

I connect with your higher self to awaken different perspectives, supporting you to trust and follow your intuition and to believe in your new choices.
The answers I get for you are gentle, polite and connected to your current situation with a lot of practical guidance. Any question concerning yourself can be asked and will be answered from a divine place, carrying advice for your highest good.
My purpose on Earth is to remind you of the unconditional love that you are. Its the greatest power of all. From a space of love comes pure creation and abundance. We are all one.
Lets create together.
"Ultimately there is no other,
you are always meeting yourself."
Eckhardt Tolle

Holistic Living & Healing
Please note:
I offer you the unique possibiliy to learn, live and heal with me during a one week stay in my sanctuary "Casa Unicorn". We will take a closer look into your soul essence and healing opportunities. You will learn how to connect to source energy whilst staying grounded.
I will guide you carefully and lovingly into a new conciousness of being. Together we will develop new ways of being and behaviours, that support you in your growth. You will learn how to navigate emotions, integrate mediation and mindful practices and learn how to live a holistic healthy life.
I am very happy to accompany you on your journey.
What you get:
~ A magical "Welcome Present"
~ a wonderful room in the heart of Berlin and breakfast
~ Tools for healing and grounding
~ Loving impulses to implement the change
~ A personal channeling to check-in as well as two healing sessions
~ Lots of magic and fun
Soul Reading
The Soul Reading is dedicated to your questions about your personal life circumstances (e.g. job, partnership, personal development, family, unexplainable emotions, decision-making).
I create a trusting space (physically & energetically) so that all information that is important to you can flow to you in a clear and understandable way.
I create a personal altar with flowers for you and illustrate your reading with oracle cards to make the answers to your questions even more visible. On the phone we go into a mutual dialogue and clarify your concerns lovingly. You will be shown new perspectives and, at the same time, tools will be available on how to bring about change.
The energetic space that I open up contains not only information but also carries healing energy aligned to your needs. Imagine it as an invisible doctor, working with you during the reading, lasting until one or two days after the reading.
Every channeling is different and I never exactly know what will happen or come up. The beauty lies in the moment and to surrender to it fully.
You can ask me any question concerning yourself during the reading, it will be a dialogue. If you have no questions but feel the need for a reading, I will channel everything that is important for you at this time.
The reading will be summarized by me through notes in a document if you wish so, which I send you with the pictures of your altar and your cards after the session.
approx. 60-75min.
in German or Englisch
With Voice Memo: 222€
Returning client: 160€

ImPuls Reading
In an ImPuls Reading you get an overview about your life situation and you can ask me 2 questions and I will channel the answers for you via voice message. The Reading will give you impulses for changing and handling situations in your life the best way possible.
My gift is to be a medium so the answers you receive will come from a higher realm, which can be your spirit guides, your soul or any other being like spirit animals that would like to talk to you. I will lovingly be the messenger of what they like to inform you about.
You can ask me anything that is related to you, for example about partnership, job, private struggles etc. There is no topic that is excluded. Health questions can be brought up but will be answered from an energetic perspective and do not replace medical consultation.
I will support our reading with oracle cards, that make it even more visible for you. The ImPuls Reading is a great way of accessing needed information quickly.
approx. 20 min. voice message
in German or English
Energetic Exchange: 125€
Energetic Healing
A healing is done in person in my space or wherever we meet in this beautiful world.
We will start with a channeling to clarify some of your questions if wished. In the second part of the session you will lay down and receive the physical and energetical energy transmission from me through sound and touch.
In a healing I am guided by multidimensional beings, channeling their energy through me to you, letting it flow through your body to support you in releasing energetic and emotional blocks. In connection with spirit I will be clearing your energy field from inside out and guide you with my voice through a meditation while working with you physically through touch and sound.
A healing is a powerful energy work I can offer to support you to connect yourself with your heart and soul and the divine and let go of what no longer serves you. Its a unique and individual experience that goes deep within, lifting you up and brings healing on a cellular level.
I am so happy to be able to work with you in this way as it is a wonderful energetic and physical experience. Some feedback about it can be found in the Soul Feedback section.
approx. 120min.
in German or English
Energetic Exchange: 333€
Your Personal Channeled Meditation & Healing Journey
Der one, I am so honored to share my newest offer with you. I have been doing guided meditations for a while now and you can find them all for free on Spotify and YouTube.
To meet your needs more specific and support you with healing codes and frequencies, I do now offer individual channeled meditations for you and your path. The feedback to the meditations has been overwhelming. I realized that my voice carries a soothing and healing tone, so it is just my next step of my own evolution, to offer my talents to you.
The process to create your very own meditation can take up to days or several hours as I do everything on my own, from recording, to choosing the music and piecing it together. I love the process and I learn so much everytime.
I put so much love, effort and detail into the creation, you will be amazed by the result. Every meditation is about 20 - 25 minutes long. Its more of a healing journey, where you can discover more and more details over the time of listening. I use music and sound in the background to support the experience. Its an harmonious get together of voice and music.
Reach out to me for your very own guided healing meditation. I am so looking forward to do one for you.
Energy Exchange: from 333€ plus donation if you feel it

I am strongly connected to fashion as for me it is a way of expressing my soul.
In 2016 I founded the Berlin fashion label “On Vacation” which I left to follow my own path in 2018.
Still I am very thankful to have been part of this venture as it carries an important message:
"Bringing the vacation vibe to your everyday life. Do not live for the weekend or holidays. Life wants to be lived every single moment."
Have a look at

Are you curious what colors and styles suit you? Want to change your wardrobe and enlighten not only yourself but your environment? Contact me for a consultation.
What you wear and especially colors have an influence on your life and mood.
I am happy to support your light shining bright.
I see your beauty, I see your colors.
Spiritual Styling
My biggest passion is writing.
Writing for me has the strongest healing power. Words are powerful and can have a huge impact. I shared my experience and my journey on this
Earth in texts, which can be found in the internet when you google my name. :)